At Faith Manufacturing, we offer a comprehensive range of precision machining services.
From small to large, our parts are not only precision machined, but also made from materials designed to withstand some of the most abusive environments.
We can make it happen!

Valve Components
Faith Mfg. machines an array of Valve Components to aid in moving oil from one place to another. Knowing Flow Control is of the utmost importance, Faith Manufacturing ensures the quality of your Value Components is never compromised.

Trees Components
Whether you need parts for a Subsea or Surface Tree, we’ll ensure you receive a quality product to exact customer specifications, on time.

Subsea Components
Faith Manufacturing has a long history of providing quality Turn-Key machined components for our customers in the Subsea businesses.

Surface Components
We machine components for surface drilling applications to your specifications, so that you and your customer are successful.

Blowout Preventer (BOP)
If you need components for a BOP, you cannot cut corners, and you cannot accept anything less than the best. With 38 years of experience, Faith has the knowledge and expertise to exceed our customer’s quality expectations.

Actuator Components
Actuator assemblies protect both their operators and the environment by controlling the flow of hydrocarbons. Faith can be your flow control component provider.

R&D and Prototypes
Because of Faith Manufacturing’s experience and flexibility, we are able to quote any Turn-Key project that fits within our machining capabilities. From high quality production runs to specialized, specialized, one-piece prototypes, Faith Manufacturing can be your solution.